Write for Rights 30/11/14

Come along to Cambridge Amnesty’s Christmas Event – Write for Rights – this Sunday (30th November) 4-6pm in Downing Bar.

Each year, Amnesty runs a campaign around Christmas time, in which we write letters of support – and Christmas cards – to prisoners of conscience around the world, who are being held against their human rights.

Come along to write a letter or two, meet the CUAI committee and find out more about Amnesty’s work.

The event is open to *everyone* – feel free to pop in for 10 minutes, or to stay for the whole two hours.

* there will be Christmas decorations, food and cheer! *

Need more convincing? Check out this inspiring video on why you should take part in this campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s2mgXCeozk#t=47

FInd out more about write for rights here:

Meet this year’s cases: http://write.amnestyusa.org/cases/

Any questions please contact our secretary Ellen Chapman, ec500@cam.ac.uk

SEEDS OF HOPE: Film Screening + Live stream with the UN in New York 20/11/14

Cambridge University Amnesty International CUAI is thrilled to bring you an absolutely unique event with the collaboration of CCARHT (Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking). We will be participating in the special screening of the film ‘Seeds of Hope’ at the United Nations, hosted by the UN Representative office for Prevention of Sexual Violence.

The film will be screened first and then a Q&A will follow with the director of the film Fiona Lloyd-Davies and some specially invited people attending the UN in New York (including Suzanna Sirkin from Physicians for Human Rights). The UN have facilities to live stream the event so the student audience in Cambridge will be able to ask questions directly to the panel of guests in New York via webcam. We really hope you can join us for this exceptional opportunity!

SEEDS OF HOPE- a 72 minute documentary by Fiona Lloyd-Davies. Seeds of Hope follows the story of Masika Katsuva, a Congolese woman who sacrifices her safety everyday to help others deal with the unimaginable horrors they have experienced in their lives. Since the outbreak of the civil war, which has torn the Congo apart, rape has become commonplace and is used as a weapon of war. At Masika’s centre, a community of rape victims try to rebuild their lives and console each other.

Film trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKYclYglmPg

For more information on the film:

Cambridge University Amnesty International, find us on:
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cambridge-University-Amnesty-International-CUAI/382604515143494
Twitter- https://twitter.com/CambridgeUniAI
Wordpress- https://cambridgeuniamnestyinternational.wordpress.com/

Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking:

CCARHT is a virtual network of academics, social entrepreneurs, enforcement personnel, Not for Profit organisations and political lobbyists gathered from across Europe, the Americas, Oceania, Asia, and Africa, networked out of our Cambridge Offices, who are concerned to see applied research brought to bear on the complex challenges of Human Trafficking as it emerges as one of the great human rights violations and accelerator of criminal wealth creation to be addressed in the twenty first century.


Human rights and the protection of taxpayers’ rights in theory and in practice: a talk by Professor Philip Baker QC 13/11/14



Cambridge University Amnesty International CUAI is delighted to invite Professor Philip Baker QC of the Field Court Tax Chambers in Grays Inn to come and speak on the topic of Human Rights and the protection of taxpayers’ rights.

The current situation of taxpayers is not very optimistic; we live in a century where tax revenues and press attack not only illegal tax evasion but also legitimate and justified tax planning. One decision of a bored revenue officer or an article of ambitious journalist can change someone’s life and destroy a good name. Some sociologists call taxation a new terror of a State.

One would expect that taxpayers would be protected by human rights. However, it is not always the case.

Given the significant impact taxation has on our lives and the extent to which the state will go to enforce its rights, the courts should give greater weight to the powers enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights (‘the Convention’) in applying tax laws. However, to date, courts have been reticent to purposefully applying the Convention.

Professor Baker will be discussing the following:

– Taxation as the modern terror of the State
– The significance of taxpayers’ rights
– Taxation and the European Convention on Human Rights as seen through the case law of the European Court of Human Rights
– From theory to practice: the practical protection of taxpayers’ rights in Europe

The talk will be followed by a short Q&A session.

Professor Philip Baker QC studied law at Emmanuel College Cambridge, then Oxford and London. He taught law at London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies for seven years before moving into practice. He is now a QC practising from Field Court Tax Chambers in Grays Inn. He has had an involvement with human rights work for many years, and in 1997 was awarded an OBE for services to Chinese political refugees in the UK. In recent years he has become increasingly involved with issues concerning taxpayers’ rights and their practical protection.

Hope to see many of you there!

Modern Day Slavery? Forced labour in the UK: a panel discussion 29/10/14

Cambridge University Amnesty International CUAI is collaborating with Cambridge Centre of Applied Research in Human Trafficking (CCARHT) to bring you an evening exploring Forced labour through film and conversation with panellists from Law, social advocacy programmes and law enforcement.

The evening will start with the screening of a short series of films on Forced Labour in the UK from the Unchosen Film Festival http://www.unchosen.org.uk/.

A chaired panel of experts will then follow. The panel will consist of:

Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford (Chair)
Director of Cambridge Centre of Applied Research in Human Trafficking
Associate Research Member of Centre for African Studies University of Cambridge
Visiting Research Fellow Orange Free State University RSA
Former Chair of Research, Education and Training in Human Trafficking UK Human Trafficking Centre UK

Dr Sarah Steele
Former Fellow, Lecturer, and Director of Studies in Law
Christ’s College, University of Cambridge
Specialist in Legal challenges and Public Health impacts of Human Trafficking

Charlotte Wilson
Head of Licensing
Gangmasters Licensing Authority

A Member of Cambridgeshire Constabulary’s Local Policing team

DIRECTIONS: Cross over Magdalene Bridge and turn right onto Chesterton Lane. Continue along that road past Clare Colony and Cripps Court will be on your left.

Hope to see many of you there!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at ch609@cam.ac.uk

The Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking (CCARHT) website: www.ccarht.org

The CCARHT facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cambridge-Centre-for-Applied-Research-in-Human-Trafficking/326355221679?ref=hl

Fresher’s Squash 12/10/14

Come along to Cambridge University Amnesty International’s Fresher’s Squash

THIS SUNDAY (12/10/14) 5pm @ Clare College Gatehouse Memorial Court

Opposite the UL – ask at the Clare porters (or call 07856424331 if you get lost)

Come along to:

– hear about what we do (both in Cambridge and Amnesty more generally)
– how to get involved
– our plans for this term
– do some letter writing
– eat some biscuits & drink some tea
– meet the committee
– let us know what you’d like to see amnesty doing this year.


Any questions please email ellen at ec500@cam.ac.uk